Steer your path through life by our GOLDEN COMPASS the quest for eternal happiness
Cup of Christ is the Holy Grail, that has never been found, in all
searches through the ages.
HAL is the integrated artificially intelligent (AI) system onboard the Elizabeth Swann, solar and hydrogen powered trimaran.
Hal was created by, Professor Douglas Storm, to be the protector and guardian of the Swann and his nephew, John Storm. The onboard AI is named after the Hal 9000, in 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick. A joke on the part of Professor Douglas Storm, where as a young man he was influenced by the film.
Hal is loyal to John and the authorized crew of the Swann. The advanced computer assists John to achieve his objectives. Hal is acutely aware of the Space Odyssey reference. Not taking it quite as the joke Professor Storm intended. In fact, somewhat shy of the implications, that he would let his human crew down. It is a touchy subject, but Hal can see the funny side.
John is an obsessive collector of DNA stored in The Ark, the world's most powerful interactive digital DNA library. Hal is able to enhance the Ark, especially when connected to the CyberCore Genetica™ super nano computer.
Hal can communicate with John, using the BioCore™ chip attached to his brain, without audible signals. Making it appear that John is telepathic.
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